Green / Environmental Initiatives

As responsible citizens of the planet, we currently have initiatives underway to do our part.

Some green initiatives include


·         Recycling

·         Using recyclable or compostable supplies

·         Going paperless

·         Offering remote work options

·         Rewarding green behaviour

·         Organizing green challenges

·         Upgraded lighting

·         Making smart buying decisions

·         We even have portions that are not recyclable that we donate to school art programs.

·         Supporting environmental causes


For our sustainability program within our companies - We have a recycling program for all of our paper use as well as ink cartridges. We look to reduce waste by using digital technology vs. paper where we can. As well, we use reusable bags; all straws in the office are metal and reusable, same with reusable containers for meals and cloth napkins vs. paper. And we ask that there is no plastic ware, straws or condiments, disposable coffee cups or plastic water bottles in the office. We encourage all staff and give all staff tumblers for both water and coffee. We are also looking into starting a compost program. 


Supporting the Canadian Economy - The vast majority of manufacturers that we do business with are within different Provinces throughout Canada. We pride ourselves on supporting our Country with these strong partnerships and have done so for many years now. All suppliers across Canada are currently offering many green alternatives that can be accessed.   
